Research Core Administration

There are around 25 de facto research cores at MUSC and all are directed by members of faculty. Many of these are supported by the University and historically have been known as University Research Resource Facilities (URRFs). Others are administered as Hollings Cancer Center Cores (HCC), where they are called Shared Resources. Some of the larger HCC Shared Resources are sub-divided into Units. Several other cores at MUSC are part of COBRE awards or may reside in Departments. Financially, most cores operate in the department of the Core Director.

MUSC Cores Committee

Prior to 2017, there were a number of disparate mechanisms for the review of cores, but following the recommendations of a task force, these were consolidated into a single review group called the MUSC Cores Committee. This group reviews research cores annually, usually during the months of May-June towards the end of the fiscal year. When reviewing cores the committee examines several aspects of core operations, including operational effectiveness, alignment with research needs, potential overlap with other cores, number of users, productivity in terms of awards supported and publications, and financials. The group makes specific recommendations regarding each core, which are relayed to the Core Director. Recommendations are also reported to any entity that supports the core financially, i.e. HCC, the Office of the Vice President for Research or COBRE Principal Investigator, in order to provide guidance on funding decisions for the next fiscal year.

Aside from conducting annual reviews, the Cores Committee also reviews policies relating to cores, hears proposals for new cores and may also recommend consolidation or closure of cores.

The Cores Committee is chaired by Lauren Ball, Ph.D.

Committee Membership

New Core Application

All new research cores at MUSC are approved by the MUSC Cores Committee. If you are seeking to establish a new core at MUSC, please complete the following form and send to the MUSC Cores Director.

Download New Core Application