Double exposure image of scientific and medical lab instrument, microscope, test tube and glass flask for microbiology and chemistry laboratory for medicine study. Source: Blue Planet Studio from Getty Images, Canva Pro

SCTR Predoctoral Training Program in Translational Research

The SCTR TL1(T32) is an NIH-funded mentored research training program for pre-doctoral students in Ph.D. or dual-degree programs with a strong interest in pursuing a career in clinical and/or translational research.

The program provides early exposure to clinical and translational research methodology through experiential training opportunities and an instructive curriculum, along with many professional development opportunities. Mentors and SCTR program staff guide trainees in developing, setting up, and conducting a federally funded research project and writing a competitive fellowship grant application.

Trainees in the program do not incur any extra time for completion of their graduation requirements and successfully complete their degree programs in the same amount of time as non-TL1 trainees.

T32 By the Numbers (reported February 2025: 198 Publications, 52 Alumni, >$2 million Funding Success in extramural funding, Careers including Postdocs, Residents, Faculty, Private Industry, Clinicians, Fellows, Research Foundation, Scientific Communications

Program Information

The SCTR TL1 (T32) is a two-year, full-time, NIH-funded mentored research training program for pre-doctoral students in Ph.D. or dual- degree programs. It is designed to foster the development of clinical and translational scientists by stimulating interest from doctoral students in health- and disease-related disciplines who will becomefuture translational scientists and research leaders.

The T32 program is meant for students with a strong interest in pursuing a career in clinical and/or translational science and provides early exposure to clinical and translational research methodology through experiential training and an instructive curriculum.

T32 trainees pursue research training on a full-time basis, defined by NIH as a minimum of 40 hours per week, devoting 100% time and effort. The T32 provides two years of support for up to 4 predoctoral trainees, and trainees may not work outside of their research area.

Trainees in the T32 program receive annually:

  • Stipend support* at the NRSA-established levelsfor pre-doctoral trainees. Mentors are required to supplement the trainee’s stipend up to the amount required by their respective colleges.
  • Tuition fees up to $16,000 for Ph.D. students; up to $21,000 for students in a combined dual-degree program (Fall & Spring only)
  • $4,750 of project funds & training-related expenses (including student health insurance)
  • $1,500 in travel funds for travel to the Association for Clinical and Translational Science (ACTS) national meeting. Trainees funded for a second year may choose to attend a meeting relevant to their research.
  • $3,000 in childcare costs for each trainee in addition to training funds

*Note: Trainees receive stipends related to their academic programs. They do not render services for pay, and therefore are not considered employees and are not eligible to pay into the state retirement system, nor will they accrue vacation or service credits for the length of the award period. Monthly stipends for fellowships may be subject to federal, state and local taxes. Depending on a fellow’s residency status, their taxes may or may not be withheld from their stipend. Questions regarding taxes or stipends should be directed to Kim Dalrymple, SCTR Business Office, 843-792-8250 or

What are the basic requirements to be a T32 trainee?

  • Full-time student enrolled in a Ph.D. or combined degree program:
    • Ph.D.
    • M.D./Ph.D.
    • PharmD/Ph.D.*
    • DMD/Ph.D.*
  • US citizen, non-citizen national, or lawful permanent resident at the time of appointment
  • Students with a strong interest in clinical and/or translational research
  • Trainees from all disciplines (pre-clinical, clinical, and translational) are welcome to apply. Individuals from all backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply.

    Students are not eligible to hold two SCTR grants that have scientific overlap and/or propose the same specific aims (i.e. T/K Collaborative grant). Students are ineligible if they are in their first or last year of graduate school, or if they have already received a doctoral degree as part of a dual-degree program. Please contact Kristen Briggman prior to applying in you are in the PharmD/Ph.D. or DMD/Ph.D. program.

    Who is NOT eligible for the T32 program?

    • Students completing a professional clinical degree only (e.g. M.D., DMD, DPT, PharmD)
    • Individuals who have been previously awarded a doctoral degree, including as part of a dual-degree program
    • Students in their last year of graduate school
    • Individuals currently supported by other federal funds (unless federal funding is terminated by June 30, 2025)
    • Students on temporary or student visas

    The T32 program expands on the CGS curriculum through research-focused coursework and experiential learning. Along with standard courses in proposal writing, rigor and reproducibility, and basic concepts in biomedical science, T32 trainees take supplemental courses to enhance predoctoral students’ research training experience.

    • Designing a Rigorous Extramural Fellowship Application (CGS 817)
    • MSTP Seminar (CGS 820) *
    • Principles, Practices, and Professionalism (CGS 770)
    • Translational Research Journal Club (CGS 815) *
    • Translational Science Clinic (MDCOR 871) *
    • Month in the Research Nexus (MDCOR 832) *
    • Career Development Conference

    *Unique to T32 program

    Trainees must also satisfy the degree requirements of their individual colleges/programs. The use of a trainee’s specific college requirements to satisfy T32 programmatic requirements will be determined on an individual basis. While appointed to the T32, trainees must remain in good academic standing (minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00) while making reasonable progress toward their graduate degree.

    Additionally, trainees are expected to:

    • Participate in required professional development opportunities, including the ACTS Conference, the Annual Mentorship Training Symposium, Perry V. Halushka Student Research Day, the SCTR All-Staff Meeting, the Translational Research Event during Innovation Week, and a research-related conference of their choice.
    • Attend quarterly program progress meetings.
    • Cite the T32 grant on all T32 funded projects/papers: Any publications that are produced during the award year or future publications related to the T32 funded project must cite the grant support of the T32 award and follow the NIH public access policy. Trainees are expected to have at least one first author publication upon completion of the requirements for their Ph.D. degree.
    • Obtain an ORCiD ID.
    • Complete NIH annual progress report documents.
    • Participate in the NIH required 15-year follow up: As part of NIH reporting requirements, recipients of the T32 must comply with yearly information requests for 15 years upon completion of their award (even after departure from MUSC).

    All applications will be submitted online using the InfoReady application portal. Please see the Application FAQs document on the T32 program website for detailed instructions on the steps and processes for applying.

    Applicants should be prepared to submit the following materials when applying to the T32:

    • Letter of Intent – optional, but strongly recommended
    • Current NIH biosketch (5 pages) and CV
    • Primary mentor’s NIH biosketch (5 pages) and training table
    • Summary of Undergraduate/Graduate Research Experience
    • Career Development Plan (1 page)
    • Research Plan (3 pages)
    • Letter of Support from primary mentor and department/division chair (1 page/each)
    • Essay of Interest (1 page)

    Obtaining a Study ID

    Learn how to add a funding opportunity using SPARCRequest:

    InfoReady SPARC process (PDF)


    An In-depth Overview of SPARCRequest


    What you will need in the application

    T32 Application FAQs (PDF)

    What is the length of appointment to the T32 program?

    Appointment to the T32 program is for a period of 2 years. Per NIH guidelines, no individual trainee may receive more than 5 years of aggregate NRSA support at the pre-doctoral level.

    Will the T32 program extend my graduation date?

    No. Trainees in the T32 program do not incur any extra time to graduation and successfully complete their degree programs in the same amount of time as other PhD students.

    What are the benefits of the T32 program?

    The T32 program provides trainees mentored exposure to clinical and translational research methodology and team science. Through experiential learning and instructive curriculum, trainees will learn about the continuum from basic research to how discoveries are disseminated into improved health care. Trainees also get to experience the real-world translation of research into practice through clinical observation and mentoring.

    Trainees in the T32 program receive annually:

    Research Funding

    • Stipend Support* at the NRSA-established levels for pre-doctoral trainees. Mentors are required to supplement the trainee’s stipend up to the amount required by their respective colleges.
    • Tuition fees up to $16,000 for Ph.D. students; up to $21,000 for students in a combined dual-degree program (Fall & Spring only)
    • $4,750 of project funds & training-related expenses (including student health insurance)
    • $1,500 in travel funds for travel to the Association for Clinical and Translational Science (ACTS) national meeting. Trainees funded for a second year may choose to attend a meeting relevant to their research.
    • $3,000 in childcare costs for each trainee in addition to training funds

    Research Guidance

    • Mentorship in your area of research
    • Support and regular updates with program leadership
    • Access to SCTR/OCR research staff, including SUCCESS Center consults in research navigation, biostatistics, recruitment, REDCap, regulatory issues, grant budgets, and research opportunities and development

    Research Career Development

    • Assistance with protocol creation – completing a regulatory review, constructing a Prospective Reimbursement Analysis (PRA), complying with the NIH Public Access Policy (publications in PubMed Central)
    • Customized Individual Development Plan (IDP) to guide future career progress
    • Support with writing a competitive NRSA or other extramural application
    • Training and support for making scientific presentations
    • Training in rigor and reproducibility

    Research Experience

    • Real-world clinical exposure working alongside clinical mentors in your field of research (Translational Science Clinic)
    • Exploration of thought-provoking case studies from both a clinical and research perspective (Translational Medicine Seminars)
    • A novel team-based journal club that explores the translation of basic science discoveries into practice (T32 Journal Club)
    • Opportunities to present your research before peers and thought leaders (ACTS meeting, Perry V. Halushka Student Research Day, SCTR All-Staff Meeting). During the second-year, awardees can attend and present at the conference of their choosing.

    How is the SCTR T32 program different from other T32 programs?

    The SCTR T32 program is unique as it provides career development and training opportunities for trainees from various disciplines, colleges, and research areas. By not focusing on a specific disease area, T32 trainees are able to work and collaborate with students in similar career stages but with different perspectives. The program provides valuable networking opportunities with other T32 trainees and researchers throughout MUSC and the nationwide CTSA consortium. Trainees engage in numerous professional development activities and learning opportunities along the translational research continuum from T0 (basic science) through T4 (public health). Students in the T32 program have access to training in areas that they may not otherwise be exposed to, including seeing research results “in action” in a clinical setting.

    Can I be appointed for more than one year?

    Yes. Current trainees are eligible to compete for a second year of support as long as their anticipated graduation date is after June 30, 2025.

    Do I have to have a mentor on the T32?

    Yes. The applicant is expected to identify a mentor in their area of research interest and work with them in all aspects of their T32 training, starting with the application process. Both mentors and trainees will read and sign the AAMC Compact between Biomedical Graduate Students and Their Research Advisors, paying special attention to the Commitments of Graduate Students and Commitments of Research Advisors.

    The mentor must have independent funding for the duration of the applicant’s T32 appointment and for future years to cover the anticipated time for completion of the PhD degree.

    What are the mentor requirements?

    Under guidance and editing from the mentor, the applicant should develop their proposal that describes the research project to be undertaken. The mentor will guide and encourage the design and execution of an original, high quality, dissertation research project. Mentors will provide guidance on the following documents and activities, including but not limited to:

    • T32 application
    • Individual Development Plan (IDP)
    • Progress reports
    • Manuscripts
    • Abstracts/posters/presentations

    Additionally, mentors provide career development and counseling by meeting with trainees regularly (at least weekly), attending required meetings/activities organized by SCTR, including the trainee as an author on relevant publications/posters/presentations, and helping the trainee apply for post-T32 funding. Mentors are also required to ensure that the trainee’s department is supplementing the T32 stipend up to the amount required by their respective colleges.

    Quality mentorship is fundamental to influencing trainees’ productivity in research, informed career decision-making, networking, career trajectory, and career satisfaction. In addition to the responsibilities discussed above, mentors are required to:

    • Ensure that the projected time supported by the award is being met.
    • Promote all ethical standards for conducting research, including compliance with institutional and federal regulations as they relate to responsible conduct in research. The mentor shall clearly define expectations for research conduct and be available to discuss ethical concerns as they arise.
    • Ensure that the mentee has sufficient opportunities to acquire the skills necessary for a career in clinical and translational research.
    • Seek the assistance of other faculty and departmental/institutional resources when necessary.
    • Encourage the mentee to interact with fellow scientists both intra- and extramurally, including at professional meetings to network and present research findings.
    • Support the trainee as they transition into the next stage of their career and beyond.
    • Seek opportunities to enhance one’s own mentoring skills, including attending SCTR’s Annual Mentorship Training Symposium.
    • Encourage and support the mentee’s submission of an external F award application or equivalent grant.

    Meet the Trainees

    Devin Hatchell
    Devin Hatchell

    Project Title: Dissecting the temporal activity of individual complement activation products in the pathological sequelae of germinal matrix hemorrhage
    Mentor: Stephen Tomlinson, Ph.D.
    College of Graduate Studies
    Degree Seeking: Ph.D.

    Taylor Hulahan
    Taylor Hulahan

    Project Title: Investigating the Collagen Proteomic Niche in the Context of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ Recurrence and Ancestry
    Mentor: Peggi Angel, Ph.D.
    College of Graduate Studies
    Degree Seeking: M.D./Ph.D.

    Caroline Kittrell
    Caroline Kittrell

    Project Title: Establishing the N-Glycome and Immune Cell Landscape of Progressive Stages of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC)
    Mentor: Richard Drake, Ph.D.
    College of Graduate Studies
    Degree Seeking: M.D./Ph.D.

    Michael Martino
    Michael Martino

    Project Title: To Study the Neural Mechanisms of Fear Sensitization in Mice
    James Otis, Ph.D.
    College of Graduate Studies
    Degree Seeking: M.D./Ph.D.

    Stephanie Mills
    Stephanie Mills

    Project Title: Peroxisome Influence on Anti-tumor T cell Metabolic Fitness
    Mentor: Shikhar Mehrotra, Ph.D.
    College of Graduate Studies
    Degree Seeking: M.D./Ph.D.

    Kendell Peterson
    Kendell Peterson

    Project Title: Oligodendrocytic SOX10+ cells facilitate MB relapse
    Jezabel R. Blanco, Ph.D.
    College of Graduate Studies
    Degree Seeking: Ph.D.

    Chase Walton
    Chase Walton

    Project Title: Deletion of Ceramide Synthase and the Development of Neurodegeneration
    Besim Ogretmen, Ph.D.
    College of Graduate Studies
    Degree Seeking: M.D./Ph.D.

    Hear from the Trainees

    I thought the Designing Rigorous Extramural Funding course was excellent! I learned a lot about what goes into an F31, how grants are reviewed, and how to put together a competitive F31 application.

    Heather Holman

    Heather Holman

    The Translational Research Journal Club …challenged my critical thinking capacity and helped me view experimental design from a completely new perspective.

    Stephanie DiLucia

    Stephanie DiLucia

    The Translational Sciences Clinic was a truly eye-opening experience, seeing patients made my work feel much more impactful.

    Alex Oles


    …the TL1 was my primary source of structure, direction, mentorship, and feedback during my first year of grad school and …enhanced my overall sense of support, wellbeing, and community.”

    Amelia Furbish, Ph.D./PharmD

    Amelia Furbish

    Where are they now?

    TL1 Alumni List (PDF)

    Program Contact

    Kristen Briggman
    Kristen Briggman
    Education & Workforce Development Program Coordinator


    Diana Lee-Chavarria 

    Diana Lee-Chavarria, MA

    Workforce Training and Development Manager