Mass Spectrometry Equipment

ThermoScientific Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Tribrid Mass Spectrometer with ETD and UVPD Capability

LC-MS/MS for peptide and protein identification, characterization of post-translational modifications, quantitation of differential protein expression or posttranslational modification, protein and drug interactions. Quantitative LC-MS/MS approaches available include: SILAC (stable isotope labeled amino acids in cell culture), TMT/iTRAQ (isobaric labeling) and label free proteomics. This high mass accuracy high resolution mass spectrometer is interfaced to a ThermoScientific Easy-nanoLC 1200.

Cite the Shared Instrumentation Grant: NIH S10 OD025126

nanoUPLC-MS/MS System

Protein Identification

Characterization of Post-Translational Modifications SILAC-Based Relative Quantitation

  • Differential Protein Expression/Abundance
  • Differential Post-translational Modification

Label Free Quantitation

  • Differential Protein Expression/Abundance

Tandem Mass Tags (TMT) Isobaric Labeling

  • Differential Protein Expression/Abundance
  • Differential Post-translational Modification
Mass Range: 50 to 2000 m/z
Mass Accuracy: Greater than 3 ppm RMS with external calibration; less than 1 ppm RMS using internal calibration
Resolution: 7500-500,000 (FWHM) at m/z 200
Scan Rate: OTMSn up to 30 Hz , ITMSn up to 40 Hz
Fragmentation Modes: CID, HCD, ETD, EThcD, UVPD

ThermoScientific Orbitrap Elite Hybrid Ion Trap-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer with ETD Capability

LC-MS/MS for peptide and protein identification, characterization of post-translational modifications, quantitation of differential protein expression or posttranslational modification, protein and drug interactions. Quantitative LC-MS/MS approaches available include: SILAC (stable isotope labeled amino acids in cell culture) and label free proteomics. This high mass accuracy high resolution mass spectrometer is interfaced to a Dionex UltiMate U3000 nanoLC.

Cite the Shared Instrumentation Grant: NIH S10 OD010731

nanoLC-MS/MS System

Protein Identification

Characterization of Post-Translational Modifications SILAC-Based Relative Quantitation

  • Differential Protein Expression/Abundance
  • Differential Post-translational Modification

Label Free Quantitation

  • Differential Protein Expression/Abundance
Mass Range: 50 to 2000 m/z
Mass Accuracy: Greater than 3 ppm RMS with external calibration; less than 1 ppm R
Resolution: 60,000 at m/z 400 at a scan rate of 4Hz/min
Fragmentation Modes: CID, HCD, ETD

Waters Xevo TQ-S Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer

LC-MS/MS for targeted proteomic assays by multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). Interfaced to an M- Class nanoLC.


Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM)

  • Peptide Biomarker Verification
  • Peptide Biomarker Verification
  • Quantitation of Known PTMs

Acquisition Modes

  • Full scan MS
  • Product ion scan
  • Precursor ion scan
  • Constant neutral loss scan
  • Selected ion recording (SIR)
  • Multiple reaction monitoring (MRM)
  • Simultaneous Full scan and MRM (RADAR)
Scan Rate: up to 20 Hz
Mass Range: 2 to 2048 m/z
Mass Stability: +/- 0.05 Da over 24 hr
Fragmentation Modes: CID

Ancillary Equipment

  • Advion TriVersa Nanomate: Chip-based nano-electrospray source can be interfaced to the Orbitrap Elite MS for infusion
  • HPLC systems: 5 LC Packings nano-LC systems, 2 Dionex Probot MALDI Spotters for LC-MALDI

Instrumentation in the MUSC Proteomics Center dedicated to MALDI Tissue Imaging Mass Spectrometry

Contact: Dr. Rick Drake

Trapped ion mobility (tims) ultra-high resolution quadrupole-time of flight (Q-TOF) Mass Spectrometer

MALDI Tissue Imaging Mass Spectrometry

Enables detection of spatially resolved analytes (protein, lipid, glycans, and drug metabolites) within tissue slices mounted on slides.

Scan Rate: 10kHz SmartBeam 3D laser with true pixel fidelity for rapid, label-free MALDI imaging at high-spatial resolution
Spot Size: standard 20 μm spatial resolution with optional Zoom Mode down to 5 - 15 μm
Dual Ion Sources: ESI/MALDI capabilities enable LC-ESI-MS/MS or MALDI-tissue imaging on a single instrument

7 Tesla Hybrid Quadrupole (Q)-Fourier Transform-Ion Cyclotron Resonance (FT-ICR) Mass Spectrometer

MALDI Tissue Imaging Mass Spectrometry

Enables detection of spatially resolved analytes (protein, lipid, carbohydrates, and drug metabolites) within tissue slices mounted on slides.

Resolution: 1-200 Hz Adjustable Smartbeam Laser
Mass Accuracy: 600 ppb (internal calibration) MALDI imaging resolution >200,000 at 800 m/z and greater than 0.6 ppm mass accuracy at 1hz resolution.
Fragmentation Modes: ECD, Q-CID, in-cell SORI-CID), ETD with Continuous Accumulation of Selected Ions (CASI) option

Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI)-Tandem Time of flight (TOF-TOF) Mass Spectrometer

MALDI Tissue Imaging Mass Spectrometry

Enables detection of spatially resolved analytes (protein, lipid, carbohydrates, and drug metabolites) within tissue slices mounted on slides.

Scan Rate and Spot Size: 10 kHz Laser, up to 50 pixels per second. Single pixel size less than 5 micrometers.
Mass Accuracy: 600 ppb (internal calibration) MALDI imaging resolution >200,000 at 800 m/z and greater than 0.6 ppm mass accuracy at 1hz speed.
Fragmentation Modes: CID