IRB Committee Member

IRB Reviewer Checklists

IRB Reviewer Checklist for Full Board Initial Application (PDF)

IRB Reviewer Checklist for Expedited Initial Application (PDF)

IRB Reviewer Checklist for Continuing Review Full Board and Expedited Protocols (PDF)

IRB Reviewer Checklist Informed Consent (PDF)

Special Subject Populations Checklist - Children (PDF)

Special Subject Populations Checklist - Persons with Impaired Decision-Making Capacity (PDF)

Special Subject Populations Checklist - Pregnant Women, Fetuses, Neonates (PDF)

Special Subject Populations Checklist - Prisoners (PDF)

IRB Reviewer Checklists Addenda

IRB Reviewer Checklist - Department of Defense Addendum (DoD) (PDF)

IRB Reviewer Checklist - Department of Education Addendum (PDF)

IRB Reviewer Checklist - Department of Energy Addendum (DoE) (PDF)

IRB Reviewer Checklist - Department of Justice Addendum (DoJ) (PDF)

IRB Reviewer Checklist - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (PDF)

Continuing Education for IRB Members

IRB Requirements for IRB Review and Approval (DOC)

The following PowerPoint slide sets address topics of focus for IRB members. Others in the research community may find the information useful if protocols deal with the relevant topics.