Suggested Consent Language: CT Guided Tissue Biopsy

Procedure Language

Copy/Paste the following to the section labeled B. Procedures:

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During the procedure you may be placed in a moderate level of conscious sedation during which you will be able to respond purposefully to verbal commands. The drugs used to put you in this state of moderate consciousness are Name the drugs to be administered.

Risk Language

Copy/Paste the following to the section labeled D. Risks/Discomforts:

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The risks of a biopsy can include bleeding, pain, and infection. To reduce these risks, the site of the biopsy will be numbed, and sterile techniques will be used. Your doctor will discuss with you the safest method and location to perform these biopsies.

If you have a CT Guided Biopsy you will be exposed to a small amount of radiation. Such doses of radiation may be potentially harmful, but the risks are so small that they are difficult to measure. If you have already had many CT scans, you should discuss this with the researchers before agreeing to be in the study. If you are especially concerned with radiation exposure, you should discuss this with the researchers.