Team training in an office by Robert Kneschke, Canva Pro

Education & Training

SCTR supports the development of a skilled and inclusive clinical and translational research workforce. A comprehensive portfolio of training programs and professional development opportunities ensures that all research team members (staff, students, trainees, faculty, and community partners) are prepared to contribute to research that spans all translational stages and has the most potential to improve health equity for the population of South Carolina. We encourage career development through mentored training programs, educational courses, innovative learning opportunities, and informative workshops to support those who currently work in research and grow South Carolina’s clinical and Translational research workforce.        

Science Communication Symposium

Transformative Science Presentations: How to Connect with and Change Your Audience

Hosted by: SCTR and MUSC's Office of Research Development

In this introduction to the fundamental elements of science communication, we’ll focus on understanding audience experience and designing presentations that are enticing, enjoyable, and effective for the people you want to reach.

Presenter: Brian Sostek, University of Minnesota

About the speaker: For over two decades, Brian Sostek has served as a faculty member at the University of Minnesota within the College of Liberal Arts. Mr. Sostek has implemented evidence-based communication strategies in various workshops and classes, particularly at the Center for Immunology and the Masonic Cancer Center. In 2020, he initiated the first graduate course focused on science communication at the School of Nursing and the Clinical and Translational Science Institute, subsequently introducing an additional course in the Rehabilitation Science Graduate Program.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

MUSC Bioengineering Building, Room 110

Symposium Agenda (PDF)


Clinical Research Professionals Training & Resources


Self-paced online learning modules on the processes, policies, and requirements for conducting clinical research.

Getting Started in Research

A SCTR-developed training resource to help MUSC study teams locate required and recommended trainings and resources for clinical and translational research.

IDEA Program

A comprehensive initiative to increase the effectiveness and streamline the administrative processes related to research administration at MUSC.

Investigator Development Opportunities & Training Awards

Training in Community Engaged Research

  • Community-Engaged Scholars Program (CES-P)
    CES-P participants design and complete a Community-Based Participatory Research project and training consists of didactic and hands-on sessions that academic and community partners attend together.

Scientific Enhancement

  • SCTR Scientific Grant Review
    Assistance for MUSC investigators who are submitting extramural grant applications with the goal to increase the quality of the application and funding success.

Degree and Certificate Programs

Structured training programs to further expertise in clinical and translational research.

  • Master of Science in Clinical Research (MSCR)

    The MSCR prepares healthcare professionals for development and opportunities to further their skills in the clinical research environment and workforce.

  • Certificate in Clinical Research

    The online Certificate in Clinical Research is ideal for healthcare professionals, specialists, residents, and fellows who desire to accrue the core competencies to participate in clinical research. 

  • Fellowship in Clinical and Translational Research Ethics (CTRE) Program

    The CTRE program is designed to provide health professionals who are interested in clinical research ethics with sufficient background in that discipline to warrant special recognition in the form of a certificate.


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