Clinical Trialist Training Program

Clinical Trials conduct. Source: Theo_Theron from Getty Images, Canva Pro

The Clinical Trialist Training Program (CTTP) is a joint initiative between SCTR, the MUSC College of Medicine, and the Hollings Cancer Center that provides 10% salary support (plus fringe) for one year of training to develop new site investigators for multicenter clinical trials. 

The goal of this program is to engage new clinical trialists who will develop a clinical trial portfolio and generate continued salary support beyond the year of training. This funding opportunity is open to College of Medicine & Hollings Cancer Center-affiliated faculty who are in departments that can support a clinical trial.


Eligible candidates are full-time clinical faculty (tenure or non-tenure track) in the College of Medicine at the rank of Associate Professor or lower. Participants must have a clinical doctoral degree and be board certified in a specialty. More details on eligibility requirements can be found in the RFA.

Program Training & Experience

The CTTP will provide didactic training and hands-on trial experience including:

  • Participation in a “Clinical Trials Bootcamp”

  • Quarterly “Meet the Expert” Didactic Sessions

  • Quarterly Progress Reviews and mentoring

  • Identification of multicenter trials in which to participate as the site PI

  • Feasibility and financial assessments; contract execution and IRB applications; and recruitment strategies, tools, and budgeting for the selected trials

  • Support of SCTR staff knowledge and resources


The 2025 - 2026 recruitment cycle closed on February 17, 2025.

2024-2025 Awardees

College of Medicine

Sonal Bhatia, MBBS
Department of Pediatrics
Specialty: Child Neurology, Epilepsy

Carmine Suppa, DO
Department of Pediatrics
Specialty: Pediatric Gastroenterology - Inflammatory Bowel Disease


Anca Dumitriu, M.D.
Department of Pediatrics
Specialty: Pediatric Hematology/Oncology

Maggie Westfal, M.D., MPH
Department of Surgery
Specialty: Colorectal Surgery


Diana Lee-Chavarria 

Diana Lee-Chavarria, MA

Program Administrator