Useful Institutional Info

Page Sections

Codes and Numbers

Federal EIN (Entity ID - Tax #) 157-6000-722-A2
Non-Federal EIN (Corporate, Foundation, etc.) 57-6000722
DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System) 183710748
CAGE (Commercial Governmental Entity) 02LK0
NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) 611310
FICE (Federal Interagency Committee on Education) 003438
FCC CORES (Commission Registration System)   0029457520 
CMS NPI (Center for Medicare & Medicaid National Provider ID) 1073605879
NIH Institutional Profile Number 7575301
Human Research Federal Wide Assurance (FWA) 00001888 (expires 5/12/2026)
Animal Research Multiple Project Assurance (MPA) MUSC - D16-00268 (A3428-01)
(expires 4/30/2028)
VAMC - A3137-01
MUSC Congressional District SC-006
MUSC Organization Type  Public - State
NIH Stem Cell Codes NIH Stem Cell Codes
AAALAC Accreditation Status: Full
Date: 1987
Last Site Visit: 11/15/2023


Facilities and Administrative Cost Rates

Rate Agreements are listed on the MUSC intranet site. A user name and password are required.

DHHS rate agreement dated 06/29/23

Cognizant Agency: DHHS
Point of Contact (POC): Darryl Mayes
POC Phone: 301-492-4855

F&A Rates FY22-FY23 FY22-FY23 FY24 FY24
On-Campus  Off-Campus On-Campus Off-Campus
Organized Research -Capped  51.00% 26.00% 51.00% 26.00%
Organized Research -Uncapped  52.50%  29.50% 51.00% 29.50%
Other Sponsored Activities# 33.00%  26.00% 33.00% 26.00%
Instruction 40.00%  26.00% 40.00% 26.00%
Non-Federal Clinical Trials 30.00% TDC  30.00% TDC  30.00% TDC  30.00% TDC
Non-Federal, Non-Clinical Research 51.00% MTDC*     26.00% MTDC*     51.00% MTDC*     26.00% MTDC*    

*MTDC - Modified Total Direct Costs are costs which exclude equipment, alterations and renovations, student aid, patient care costs, rental costs of off-site facilities, scholarships, fellowships, and the portion of a sub-grant or sub-contract in excess of $25,000.

#Other Sponsored Activities - programs and projects which involve the performance or work other than instruction and research. Examples include health or community service projects.

Fringe Benefits

FY2024 Composite Rates  Negotiated Rate         Applicable to Employment Types
Staff 44.6% Faculty
9-month faculty
Unclassified non-faculty
Classified, Research
Post Docs 38.1% Post-Docs
Temporary 34.3% Temporary Faculty
Temporary Non-Faculty
Students/Other 8.9% Student
Ph.D. Students
Research Grant Employees - No Benefits

NIH Salary Cap

Effective January 1, 2024 - $221,900 

MUSC Facilities and Cores (rates and information)

Center for Biomedical Imaging

Assurances and Certifications

Debarment and Suspension NO
Drug-Free Workplace YES
Lobbying NO (usually but not always)
Delinquent Federal Debt NO
Research Misconduct Annual Report FILED
DHHS F&A Cost Rate Agreement YES
Sex Discrimination Assurance FILED
Data System Compliance - 21 CFR 11 (PDF)

January 2008 Memo

HHS Form 690 includes the following:

Civil Rights Assurance FILED
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 FILED
Age Discrimination Assurance FILED
Assurance of Compliance w/ Title IX  FILED