Open Forums & Town Halls

Podium with microphones

In an effort to keep the MUSC Research community updated and gain feedback on future improvements, the Office of the Vice President for Research hosts multiple Open Forums and Town Halls throughout the year.

Open Forums are hosted in the summer and consist of presentations from research support offices and departments across campus who provide important updates in specific areas that affect the research community, such as procurement, lab safety, compliance and more.

Town Halls happen periodically throughout the year and gives a more general update of happenings across the research enterprise, including policy updates, upcoming events and trainings, and research wins.

Both events are one-hour and take place both in-person (Charleston campus) and online. Participants will have the chance to submit questions during registration as well as participate in a Q+A during the events.

Open Forum Series

Register for Summer 2024 Dates

Hurricane Preparedness - June 12th at 12PM, BSB 202

Grants & Contracts Accounting - June 19th at 12PM, BSB 202

IS Support - June 26th at 12PM, BSB 349

Research Compliance - July 10th at 12PM, BSB 349

Research Procurement - July 17th at 1PM, BSB 202

Lab Safety - July 24th at 12PM, BSB 202

Research Town Hall

2024 Dates TBD