The Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) oversees all animal research and instruction at MUSC in order to ensure that ethical regulatory and policy mandates governing the use of animals in research and instruction are met. The Committee has been chartered as a University Standing Committee since 1964, and is comprised of various members, including representatives of the public, qualified to oversee MUSC's animal program, facilities and procedures. The IACUC's charge is to:

  • Review and approve the animal welfare aspects of all research and instruction at MUSC;
  • Review MUSC's program for the humane care and use of animals twice annually;
  • Conduct inspections twice annually on all MUSC animal facilities;
  • Prepare and submit reports of its evaluations to the Vice-President for Academic Affairs;
  • Make recommendations to the Vice-President for Academic Affairs regarding any aspect of MUSC's animal program, facilities or personnel training;
  • Suspend any activity involving animals which violates applicable regulations, policies, or procedures, or deviates from an approved protocol.

Protocol Submission

All protocols must be submitted or amended through eProtocol. We highly recommend an IACUC consult prior to working on a new or legacy protocol.

Contact the IACUC 

Email: iacuc@musc.edu
Phone: (843) 792-6553

Please visit the IACUC website on the MUSC Horseshoe for additional information and assistance. Login required.