Boost your study recruitment with

Tara Pittman
May 15, 2024 logo over an aerial view of research participants

Sluggish study recruitment? Check your contact information!

You might be missing out on potential research participants! The SCTR SUCCESS Center receives many calls from the community about study opportunities at MUSC, and the staff uses to help try to connect community members to the appropriate research teams. Keeping the contact information up to date on ensures those exploring the site can reach you!

We encourage you to visit the website, search for any studies you have posted there, and make sure the “Recruitment Contact” information is accurate.

Updating Recruitment Contact Information

Any necessary changes to contact information can be made in Section 19 of the eIRB application (“ Directory Information”). This change does not require IRB review and will allow for an automatic update to the site.

Help Is Available

Should you need any assistance, you can reach out to Tara Pittman, SCTR’s Recruitment Manager, at

SCTR's Recruitment Program

Consultation services and recruitment tools are available to assist study teams with the development of recruitment plans and the enrollment and retention of study participants.