Guidance on University Policy - Administration for Research and Other Sponsored Programs

The University Policy - Administration for Research and Other Sponsored Programs establishes the authority and defines the required processes for securing and managing Sponsored Programs of the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) Enterprise. The Vice President for Research, through its Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP), has oversight and approval responsibilities for all research-related sponsored program agreements carried out by the University. The ORSP will provide review and approval of any such proposals and/or agreements and will maintain the database for compiling this information monthly for regular reports to the Vice President for Research, President and the Board of Trustees of MUSC.

Information below is provided as additional guidance to the University Policy

Signature Authority

Individuals authorized to bind the MUSC Enterprise under a limited power of attorney, as delegated by the President annually:

Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost

Vice President for Research

Director, ORSP 

Assistant Director, ORSP

Program Office, Office of Research Integrity

Agreements Subject to Review

All letters of requests, solicitations, proposals for training and research grants and contracts, evaluations, demonstration projects, outcomes research, and any extramural support agreements. whether federal or non-federal.

All agreements involving the use of federal flow through dollars subject to contractual provisions and subject to audit under the MUSC Enterprise’s Schedule of Federal Financial Assistance.


Agreements solely for physician/medical contractual services consistent with standard medical care are exempt from review by ORSP.

Solicitations, bequests, endowments, alumni gifts, deferred charitable giving are exempt from ORSP review for budget issues. However, all research projects resulting from these funds must have necessary clearance from ORSP for risk and safety issues.

Review Process

  1. Investigators submit completed proposals including the Proposal Data Sheet to their Chairs (and Center Directors, if appropriate) for review and signature.
  2. Some colleges are organized such that the Chair forwards proposals and the Proposal Data Sheets to the Dean or Dean’s designate for review and signature.
  3. Proposals are then submitted to the ORSP for review and approval. The ORSP function is review and coordination of compliance issues, e.g. time and effort of participants.
  4. In cases where contracts or grants to the Foundation for Research Development involve subcontracts or grants to the MUSC, the ORSP must review and approve the contract before final approval by the Foundation for Research Development. When contracts or grants to MUSC involve subcontracts or grants to the Foundation for Research Development, then the Foundation must review the grant/contract before final approval by the MUSC.
  5. For grants, contracts and agreements involving both elements of research and extensive delivery of health care (such as a regional and state prenatal program with funding subject to a schedule of financial assistance) the review and approval process adds ORSP to the procedure. The complete procedure flow Is from Principal Investigator to Departmental Chair (and Center Director, if appropriate) to Chief Executive Officer of the Medical Center to the Dean and Vice President of Medical Affairs to General Counsel to ORSP for information. ORSP review is for IRB compliance and fiscal communications for inclusion in the Schedule of Federal financial Assistance.
  6. Reports of waivers of the maximum allowed indirect cost rate will be made to the Vice President for Finance on a monthly basis.